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City Of San Marcos Changes Application Process For Funding Community Organizations

The City of San Marcos is reminding organizations that the Human Services Application process for funding has changed. Under the new process, applications will be due in August; previously they were due in February each year.

Human Services agencies in San Marcos will be able to find more detail about the application process and new timeline in the coming weeks by visiting https://sanmarcostx.gov/3051/Human-Service-Agency-Applications. Information will also be shared on social media and sent to local news media outlets.

Major milestones for the application process will be as follows:

  • August – applications due
  • August to November – Interviews
  • December – funding recommendations to City Council
  • January – first funding payment
  • May – second funding payment
  • September – final funding payment

As a reminder, the City Council annually allocates monies from the General Fund to assist programs of local social services agencies. City funding may not exceed 50 percent of the funding sources for applicants.

The Council also allocates Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding to agencies through a separate process.

It is the City’s policy that each program can be funded during any fiscal year from only one City funding source, so agencies may submit only one application per program to the City funding source of their choice.

An agency may submit applications for multiple programs to the same funding source. For questions, please contact Christina Tureaud at 512-393-8170.

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