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City Offers Free Mulch To San Marcos Residents

The City of San Marcos Resource Recovery, Parks and Recreation and Stormwater Management departments have collaborated to bring the free mulch that is usually available during the monthly Brush Drop-Off, to open access locations at Dunbar Park, Archie Street, and Del Sol.

“We realize only having the mulch available for residents one Saturday per month for a limited time isn’t convenient for most people,” said Community Enhancement Initiatives Manager Amy Kirwin. “Our hope is that utilizing these locations will help more people access the mulch and help keep their gardens beautiful.”

The mulch consists of all brush dropped off during the monthly Brush Drop-Off. If residents want a specific type or color of mulch, they will need to purchase it from a retailer.

Mulch Pick-Up Locations:

  • Dunbar Park (801 W MLK) by the playground
  • Archie Street (off Craddock Ave) by the parking at the end of the street
  • Del Sol (near Parkdale Dr) at the end of the street

For more information, contact Kirwin at akirwin@sanmarcostx.gov or 512-393-8419

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