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City offers multiple ways to get involved in Vision SMTX Comp Plan rewrite

In December, the City is hosting seven focus group meetings for Vision SMTX Comprehensive Plan rewrite with over 70 stakeholders, experts, and community leaders in San Marcos around the topics of transportation, parks & wellness, economic development, arts & culture, environmental resource protection, housing, and land use.

The focus groups will help continue to shape the Preferred Growth Scenario for San Marcos and will provide key insight on potential goals and policies associated with each topic.

The city continues to ask the community for its vision for these key topics. See below for additional opportunities to get involved!

Participate in the Mapping Survey

An ongoing survey is available to gather the public ideas on topics that are most important to you.

You can provide your ideas on housing, transportation, arts and culture, land use, and other planning elements by participating in the online mapping survey.

Kids Vision SMTX Challenge

The perspectives of future generations in San Marcos are valuable to Vision SMTX.

As part of the project, we’d like to hear from younger generations on what they envision for the future of their community by submitting their ideas through art, essays, or poems!

Participants can either utilize the art template or a separate document can be utilized. Instructions on how to submit can be found on the project website.

Schedule a Meeting

Are you interested in learning more about the project or want to share your vision and ideas? Are you part of an organization that wants to get more involved? Schedule a virtual meeting with city staff.

You can email planninginfo@sanmarcostx.gov or call 512.393.8230 to schedule a meeting.

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