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San Marcos Development Services To Hold Open House, Introduce Small Area Plan

Vision San Marcos Comprehensive Plan goal of “ensuring that neighborhoods retain their existing character and follow development and redevelopment patterns desired by the residents…”

he City of San Marcos Planning & Development Services Department will hold an open house introducing the City’s Small Area Plan Program Wednesday, Oct. 24 from 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. at the Price Center, 222 W. San Antonio Street.

The open house will give residents an opportunity to review the draft program and provide input. Presentation will be given at 6 p.m. and 7 p.m., and Planning staff and consultants will be available to answer questions and discuss the program.

The Small Area Plan Program is designed to empower and assist residents and community groups in planning for growth in our community.

The purpose of the Small Area Plan Program is to further the Vision San Marcos Comprehensive Plan goal of “ensuring that neighborhoods retain their existing character and follow development and redevelopment patterns desired by the residents.” 

As San Marcos continues to grow and housing becomes harder to find, neighborhoods that offer quality places and better access to amenities are experiencing more growth pressures and struggle to maintain their existing character.  

Other neighborhoods in San Marcos lack some of the basic ingredients to healthy neighborhoods like quality parks, adequate housing, and neighborhood oriented services.  

The Small Area Plan Program is designed to empower and assist residents and community groups of impacted neighborhoods in planning for growth.

The City of San Marcos is seeking your input in establishing the selection criteria and determining the type of City assistance that should be available to participating neighborhoods.  

The goal of the Small Area Plan program is to focus planning efforts in areas where:

  • Local commitment to the process is demonstrated, and
  • Neighborhood character is lacking or threatened.

Residents may also share their input by taking an online survey available at www.sanmarcostx .gov/smallareaplan. The survey is open until Oct. 31.

For more information, contact Planning Manager Abby Gillfillan at agillfillan@sanmarcostx.gov.


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