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City Seeks Public Input On Transportation Projects

Surveys Available Online
The city of San Marcos Engineering Department is asking residents to weigh in on two upcoming capital improvements projects with surveys on their website. 
The first survey allows residents to give their input regarding the Transportation Master Plan. 

The new updated plan is needed to comply with the City’s Comprehensive Plan and address the rapid growth in San Marcos and Hays County. The plan, when approved by the City Council, will identify transportation improvements needed over the next 30 years to improve safety, minimize congestion, preserve local character, and protect the San Marcos environment. The survey can be accessed at: www.sanmarcostx.gov/transportation

The second survey asks residents for their feedback on pedestrian and bicycle improvements along Old RR 12 from Craddock to Holland Street. This project was approved by City Council in 2013 and will enhance safety and mobility along this heavily traveled roadway. The survey is posted at: www.sanmarcostx.gov/oldrr12-bike-ped. 

Both surveys are brief and easy to complete. The City encourages all interested residents to participate and let them know your opinions. 

For more information on these or other capital improvement projects, please call the City of San Marcos Engineering Department at 512.393.8130 or visit www.sanmarcostx.gov/engineering.

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