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City To Celebrate America Recycles Day Next Saturday

Posted by Staff  |  @CorridorNews

The City of San Marcos will be host America Recycles Day on Saturday, Nov. 15 from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. on the courthouse lawn.  

America Recycles Day is the only nationally recognized day and community-driven awareness event dedicated to promoting and celebrating recycling in the United States.   

“This will be a fun and educational event with a very important message,” said Amy Kirwin, Solid Waste Coordinator. “Every item we recycle is one less piece of trash going into the landfill, and lessens the need for more virgin material to be manufactured.”

The family-friendly events include:

Plastic buy back:

·         Bring 10 plastic bottles- get a reusable collapsible bottle;

·         Bring 10 plastic bags- get a reusable bag; or

·         Bring 20 plastic bags- get an insulated reusable bag


Plastic Mermaid: Her outfit is made entirely out of plastic bags to show how much people use!

Interactive booths: Texas Disposal Systems; Green Guy Recycling; composting demonstrations; and Recycling Challenge

The San Marcos River Foundation is hosting a pre-event screening of the documentary Plastic Paradise at 7 p.m. Friday, Nov. 14, 2014 at the Price Center (222 W San Antonio St). It is an eye-opening documentary about the Pacific Ocean Garbage Patch and how plastics affect the Earth’s water.

Sponsors for America Recycles Day are: Texas Disposal Systems, Green Guy Recycling, Sustainable San Marcos, Grins, Root Cellar, and 78666 Customs.

For more information, contact Amy Kirwin at 512.393.8407 or akirwin@sanmarcostx.gov.  

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