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City To Host Meeting With Veterans For Mural Collaboration

The San Marcos Mural Arts Program committee will host a meeting Aug. 4 at 6 p.m. at the Activity Center Multipurpose Room, 501 East Hopkins, to meet with and interview veterans for a new mural collaboration with artist Ryan Runcie.


The stories and personal experience shared by veterans through this public meeting will enable Runcie to portray the role of veterans in America’s past and the sacrifices they made to ensure the freedom and way of life Americans enjoy today.


The input is crucial to the successful portrayal of veterans and their time serving. The meeting will be open to the public with an emphasis on hearing the stories and opinions of veterans.


The mural will be completed using parachute fabric, a technique introduced by Philadelphia artist Erik Okdeh. The fabric will allow for various members of the community, such as veterans, children, adults, and volunteer organizations to participate in painting the mural.


For more information, contact Amy Kirwin, Community Enhancement Initiatives Manager, at 512.393.8407 or mailto:akirwin@sanmarcostx.gov.

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