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CM Allen Wins Regional EPA Green Infrastructure Competition

The City of San Marcos CM Allen Roadway Reconstruction Project achieved second place in the EPA Region 6 2020 Outstanding Green Infrastructure/Low Impact Development (GI/LID) Project Competition.

The competition assessed projects implementing realistic applications of GI/LID practices within Region 6. GI/LID is a method of design and development that aims to mimic or improve the local native landscape.

Installations with GI/LID elements often help to reduce pollution and flooding, conserve clean water and minimize the heat island effect of concrete in cities.

They also have long-term cost savings in both infrastructure and residential settings.

“In addition to replacing this section of roadway, our final design incorporated green stormwater infrastructure due to the close proximity to the San Marcos Springs and River,” said Greg Schwarz, Senior Engineer and Project Manager. “The green vegetative areas along the roadway slow and absorb rainwater from the pavement and also clean it of contaminants before it flows back into the river.”

The San Marcos project competed against other outstanding green infrastructure projects from municipal and private organizations in Region 6, including the New Orleans St. Anthony Green Streets Program, Tarrant Regional Water District and the San Antonio River Authority.

To learn more about the CM Allen project, visit the CM Allen Parkway page.

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