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Communities Around The Country Are Doing Their Part To End Veterans Homelessness

To combat homelessness, individuals all over the United States are finding unique, grassroots solutions to secure housing for the Veterans in their communities.

Adam Druckman

A recent report by the Department of Housing and Urban Development estimated that approximately 40,000 Veterans are currently homeless. To combat homelessness, individuals all over the United States are finding unique, grassroots solutions to secure housing for the Veterans in their communities.

In New Jersey, home to nearly 600 homeless veterans, the American Legion Post 107 of Hoboken is holding auctions and selling tickets to raise funds for a new housing complex. This facility will offer vital resources, housing, and support to Veterans in the community. It will also be the first housing complex ever built by an American Legion post.

The Hampton VA Medical Center, recently worked with the Hampton Military Affairs Committee to host a “homeless stand down” to provide Veterans with housing assistance. The event offered a variety of services such as medical assistance, legal services, hot meals, and even haircuts. VA facilities across the country hold similar events each year.

Across the country in San Francisco, a new 70-unit housing complex named the “Auburn Hotel” was opened to provide permanent housing to homeless Veterans. Local groups including nonprofits and faith-based organizations are teaming up to offer housing and other assistance to Veterans. The Auburn Hotel is the fourth permanent unit in San Francisco to be opened within the last year.

The 90 Works Program, based in Florida, one of the states that saw a decrease in the number of homeless Veterans in 2017, is a growing nonprofit committed to helping Veterans become self-sufficient and secure affordable housing. The goal of the 90 Works Program is to help individuals become self-sufficient in just 90 days.

Communities are working harder to provide housing to Veterans as the winter approaches. The Holiday season has traditionally shown a significant increase in donations to charities, a trend that will hopefully provide assistance to organizations committed to combating Veteran homelessness. There are many organizations based all over the United States that are always in need of donations and volunteers.

To learn more about what you or your local community can do, visit VA’s website committed to ending Veteran Homelessness.


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