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Community Action Hires New Youth Services Director For San Marcos

The City of San Marcos, through an agreement with Community Action, Inc., announced Thursday, Aug. 13, the hiring of Youth Services Director Dana Washington to lead a new, collaborative initiative to improve the lives of San Marcos youth.

This position was formalized in February 2020 and will be funded through a contract between the City of San Marcos, San Marcos Consolidated Independent School District, Texas State University, and Hays County.

Community Action, Inc. will oversee the position with involvement from the other four entities.

Washington will be tasked with implementing the Youth Master Plan and collaborating with the San Marcos Commission on Children and Youth (SMCCY) and the San Marcos Youth Commission boards.

Adopted in 2013, the San Marcos Youth Master Plan is “an actionable community plan that leverages the ideas, resources, and commitments of a community to improve conditions and outcomes for children and youth.”

“The establishment of this position marks an exciting point of forward motion for San Marcos youth,” said Carole Belver, Executive Director of Community Action. “With her wealth of experience and knowledge, Ms. Washington is the ideal candidate to lead our efforts at this inaugural point.”

Washington joins Community Action from Austin Community College (ACC), where from 2009 to present she served as a program coordinator. Washington also served on the SMCCY as a chairperson in the ACC role from May 2017 until January 2019. She will begin her position as the Youth Services Director in mid-August.

“I am thrilled that Dana Washington will be our first Youth Services Program Director, working in collaboration with the Core 4 in implementing the goals and vision set forth by the San Marcos Commission on Children and Youth,” said Anne Halsey, SMCCY Chairperson. “Washington’s extensive professional experience—her understanding of the importance of community engagement, collaboration, and equity—combined with her proven commitment to the greater San Marcos area as a parent and community leader, make her the perfect person to lead this historic initiative in service of our young people and their families.”

For more information, visit www.sanmarcostx.gov/youthmasterplan.

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