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Consumer Alert: Texans Warned Of IRS Impersonation And Email Scam

The office of the Texas Attorney General has released the following consumer alert for Texas consumers.

AUSTIN – Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton warned Texans today, November 26, that fraudulent emails are being sent from people impersonating the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) targeting users with fake tax documents.

These emails often use the subject line “tax transcripts” in an attempt to bait people into opening links and documents that contain destructive malware specifically designed to steal sensitive financial data.

These new attacks come as consumers face IRS impersonation fraud on other platforms as well. The IRS will never call or email citizens to demand repayment for penalties. If consumers receive a fraudulent call or email but believe they may have penalties, they are advised to call the IRS directly at 800-829-1040.

“All Texans should be aware of unsolicited phone calls or emails from scammers impersonating the IRS. This is a nefarious attempt to trick taxpayers into downloading malware and divulging sensitive financial information,” Attorney General Paxton said. “My office stands ready to assist hard-working Texas consumers. The consumer protection section of our website contains several resources on how to recognize, prevent and report scams like this. Being informed is the best way to prevent fraud and loss.”

The OAG website provides timely resources to consumers who need help – including identity theft victims – and provides information on widespread and common scams.

On this website, Texans have the opportunity to receive electronic alerts and other notices that help warn them about emerging scams that can lead to financial harm. Consumers can find more information on scams here: https://www.texasattorneygeneral.gov/consumer-protection.

The Consumer Protection Division also receives and reviews complaints submitted to the office by consumers. While the attorney general is prohibited from representing such individuals, these complaints are used by the office to help share priorities and identify issues affecting Texans. Consumers can file complaints by visiting: https://www.texasattorneygeneral.gov/consumer-protection/file-consumer-complaint.

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