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Cornyn Pushes Democrats To Stop Delaying Full Funding For Pentagon, Flood Disaster Relief

‘They’re holding hostage the money that the House passed, $81 billion for disaster relief for the victims of Hurricane Irma and Hurricane Harvey, as well as the wildfires out West.’

WASHINGTON – Today at a press conference, U.S. Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) discussed the remaining priorities in need of full funding after the government shutdown, including the Defense Department and disaster relief. Excerpts of Sen. Cornyn’s remarks are below, and video of his remarks can be found here.

“Thankfully, the Democrats realized the mistake they made in shutting down the government over this unresolved issue of DACA. But they’ve kept additional hostages, and those hostages are the money that should be appropriated for the rest of the fiscal year to support our military and to give some predictability to our nation’s national security. Also, they’re holding hostage the money that the House passed, $81 billion for disaster relief for the victims of Hurricane Irma and Hurricane Harvey, as well as the wildfires out West.  

“I hope that Democrats realize that we are serious in working on a bipartisan solution to the DACA situation. The Majority Leader has said that we’ll take that matter up in a fair and open process, and we will, but in the meantime they need to release these other hostages that they took on the DACA issue and let them go so we can fund our military and so the federal government can live up to its responsibility in dealing with the victims of Hurricane Harvey and Hurricane Maria.”

‘The Democrats realized the mistake they made in shutting down the government over this unresolved issue of DACA. But they’ve kept additional hostages, and those hostages are the money that should be appropriated for the rest of the fiscal year to support our military and to give some predictability to our nation’s national security.’


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One Comment

  1. President Trump and all Texas senators and representatives promised the citizens affected by Harvey and the flooding that followed that they would be there for them and see that they received help. Well, it is 4-5 months later and to read that the $81 Billion dollars is still not distributed is a tragedy. We know infrastructure is needed, but the citizens are hurting. These are legal citizens, not illegals wanting help. It is past time for this money to be released.

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