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Corridor News: “We Will Never Forget”

The San Marcos Corridor News would like all Americans, the victims and their families to know;

“We Will Never Forget,” what happened on that fateful day.

“We Will Never Forget,” the victims or their families.

“We Will Never Forget,” the fear we felt, the moment we watched the second plane hit the tower.

“We Will Never Forget,” the horror we felt as we watched.

“We Will Never Forget,” the sorrow we felt, followed by our tears.

“We Will Never Forget,” the feelings of emptiness we felt for many months and years later.

“We Will Never Forget,” the feeling of rage that filled us after.

“We Will Never Forget,” who did this to our country, a country with such caring and giving people. 

“We Will Never Forget,” that God has Blessed the United States of America.

Melissa Jewett, Publisher 


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