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TODAY: San Marcos Council To Receive Update On Interlocal Agreement With Hays County

Tonight, the San Marcos City Council will receive an update on an interlocal agreement with Hays County regarding Capes Dam and Mill Race.

In August, the Council adopted a resolution directing the City Manager to begin negotiations of an agreement with Hays County that provides for the repair and rehabilitation of Capes Dam and the Mill Race in the San Marcos River.

The project will potentially include the creation of a park in the area to provide an additional site for recreation and access to the river.

According to the agenda, a meeting between City Staff, Mark Kennedy, Legal Counsel for Hays County, and Kate Johnson of the Hays County Historical Commission was held to discuss the next steps on August 24.

The County provided that some preliminary assessments will need to be completed before an interlocal agreement can be crafted.

As of September 25, 2020, County staff was still doing their due diligence before requesting the topic be placed on the Commissioner’s Court agenda.

A memo from City Manager Bert Lumbreras to staff states Kennedy did not have an ILA for Council to review as of Sept. 29; however, they are interested in moving forward with the project.

Several state and federal agencies and organizations will have to be involved in the project including the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Texas Parks & Wildlife, and Texas Historical Commission.

The council will convene virtually at 3:00 PM for their work session. The council will provide direction to the city manager on how to move forward.

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  1. This will be a great park that all citizens can benefit from! Mark Rockeymoore will try and stop this. Please make sure to vote for Shane Scott for city council! Lisa Pruitt that is running for county commissioner that was previously on city council had tried to remove Capes Dam. Please support Lon Shell as he will embrace this project and many more great projects.

  2. It’s worth remembering that former council-member Shane Scott voted for the Woods Apartments on Cape’s Camp. These apartments flooded the Blanco Gardens neighborhood. Council was warned about this before-hand. This decision ruined people’s lives. You can say a lot about the other people on the ballot, but to my knowledge none of them ever flooded an entire neighborhood.

    Let’s remember why he was voted out of office.

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