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Counting The Costs Of Texas Health Care

“Emerging technologies, demographics and the growth of our great state will ensure the demand for health care services continues to increase even while the cost of these services is on the rise…”

(AUSTIN) — The cost of health care in Texas is rising faster than both the general inflation rate and the growth of the state’s population.

In fiscal 2015, Texas state government spent $42.9 billion on health care services, or 43.1 percent of all its appropriations from state, federal and other sources.

The March issue of Fiscal Notes looks at a recent report issued by the Texas Comptroller’s office, Texas Health Care Spending Report: Fiscal 2015, which examines and quantifies health care spending by 68 state agencies and higher education institutions in a recent five-year period.

“Emerging technologies, demographics and the growth of our great state will ensure the demand for health care services continues to increase even while the cost of these services is on the rise,” Texas Comptroller Glenn Hegar said. “The question for policymakers is how to contain these costs.” 



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