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County Auditor’s Office Recognized For Financial Transparency In Comprehensive Annual Finance Report

The Certificate is presented to those government organizations that are judged by a GFOA panel to adhere to program standards, and is the highest award in government financial reporting…

Hays County Courthouse, TX— The Hays County Auditor’s Office, for the fourth year in a row, has been awarded a Certificate of Achievement for financial transparency in its Comprehensive Annual Finance Report (CAFR) by the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA).

The Certificate is presented to those government organizations that are judged by a GFOA panel to adhere to program standards, and is the highest award in government financial reporting. The Certificate is the for 2017 CAFR.

“Our CAFR is judged by a panel of experts from all levels of government and businesses,” County Auditor Marisol Villarreal-Alonzo told the Commissioners Court. “The Certificate represents our full financial disclosure of County tax use.”

Commissioner Court members thanked County Auditor Marisol Villarreal-Alonzo and Auditor’s Office staff for their professionalism and hard work in helping the County meet its financial obligations according to strict controls.

The Auditor’s Office manages 45 different County funds, in addition to special projects, and undergoes internal and external audits. Under State law, the Auditor is appointed by a County’s District Judges and reports to them.

Feature Photo Left to right, Precinct 2 Commissioner Mark Jones, First Assistant County Auditor Vickie Dorsett, County Auditor Marisol Villarreal-Alonzo, Accounting Associate Amber New, Accounts Payable Manager Kimberli Andrews, Precinct 3 Commissioner Lon Shell, and Precinct 4 Commissioner Ray Whisenant.


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