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County bonding change among constitutional amendments in November

Texas voters will be able to determine the outcome of seven state constitutional amendments on the November 2 ballot.

One measure would authorize counties to issue bonds to fund infrastructure and transportation projects in unproductive, undeveloped, or blighted areas. Previously, only cities and towns could issue bonds for these types of projects.

Another amendment would change eligibility requirements for Supreme Court, court of criminal appeals, and court of appeals justices from 10 years of experience as a lawyer or a judge to 10 years licensed experience as a lawyer or judge on a state or county court. District court judges would be required to have eight years of experience, instead of four, as a practicing lawyer or judge. In addition, justices would be required to be residents of Texas.

Another measure seeks voter approval to authorize the Texas State Commission on Judicial Conduct to accept and investigate complaints and reports against candidates running for state judicial office.

Other amendments relate to caregivers at nursing facilities, homestead tax regulations for surviving spouses of disabled individuals, raffles at rodeo events, and prohibition of limits on religious services or organizations.

This story originally published by Strategic Partnerships.

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