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Court Proclaims November As Caregiver Awareness And Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness Month

“It’s fitting that these are both recognized in the same month, because the leading dementia-causing disease in the U.S. is Alzheimer’s disease…”

Hays County Courthouse, TX – The Hays County Commissioners Court has proclaimed November Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness Month and Caregiver Awareness Month in Hays County.

Hays County Epidemiologist Eric Schneider told the Court that “it’s fitting that these are both recognized in the same month, because the leading dementia-causing disease in the U.S. is Alzheimer’s disease and the leading reason that a caregiver is needed is because of dementia in an elderly patient.”

“We really appreciate you reminding us of the need to make folks aware of these two very important issues,” Precinct 1 Commissioner Debbie Gonzales Ingalsbe said. She and Precinct 3 Commissioner Lon Shell, on behalf of the Court, thanked the Local Health Department employees for their hard work.

Schneider also noted that even though there have been great medical advancements for numerous diseases, Alzheimer’s is still incurable and a devastating reality for millions of people in America.

“We want to recognize the kind-hearted souls who have unselfishly put their lives on the back burner to take care of a loved one or even a stranger who needs them,” Schneider said. “We want to remind them that there is no perfect way to take care of an elderly patient with dementia except with the most love and patience you are able to muster on that particular day.”

Photo — Left to right: Precinct 1 Commissioner Debbie Gonzales Ingalsbe, Precinct 2 Commissioner Mark Jones, Local Health Department Director Clint Garza, Epidemiologist Eric Schneider, ImmTrac Specialist Josie Gonzales, Texas Vaccine for Children Coordinator Amelia Flores, Precinct 3 Commissioner Lon Shell, and Precinct 4 Commissioner Ray Whisenant.


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