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Court Reaffirms Injunction Against Illegal Guidance To Local Schools

Federal Court Reaffirms Nationwide Injunction Against the Obama Administration’s Illegal Guidance to Local Schools


AUSTIN – Late Tuesday afternoon, U.S. District Judge Reed O’Connor reaffirmed a nationwide injunction prohibiting the Obama administration from relying on its illegal guidance documents concerning access to intimate facilities in public schools.


The injunction, first issued August 21, 2016, prohibits the federal government defendants from using the guidelines, or asserting that the guidelines carry any weight.


Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton represents a 13-state coalition in the federal court lawsuit in the Northern District of Texas challenging the Obama administration’s unlawful federal directive forcing local schools to allow students to use whatever bathrooms and other intimate facilities they prefer, regardless of the policies that local educators have decided are best for their school and their students.


Attorney General Paxton released the following statement after the court’s most recent ruling in favor of the Texas-led coalition:


“I am proud to lead a coalition of 13 states against the Obama Administration’s latest illegal federal overreach. The court’s reaffirmation of a nationwide injunction should send a clear message to the president that Texas won’t sit idly by as he continues to ignore the Constitution. The president cannot rewrite the laws enacted by the elected representatives of the people and then threaten to take away funding from schools to force them to fall in line.”


To view a copy of the order, click here: https://www.texasattorneygeneral.gov/files/epress/Order_10-18-16.pdf?cachebuster:48.  


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