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Court To Receive Judge’s Recommended FY 2021 Budget, Select Workshop Dates

Corridor Staff

Commissioners are slated to discuss with possible action regarding the Fiscal Year 2021 budget and the selection of dates for budget workshops this morning.

Hays County Judge Ruben Becerra will provide commissioners with a presentation of his recommended budget.

Last year, Commissioners’ left a majority of the discussion on the judge’s recommended budget for the budget workshops, which are typically held through August and September.

Commissioners will approve the budget before the end of the fiscal year on September 30.

According to the agenda, the Judge’s recommended budget documents will be provided to commissioners in court for commissioners to review.

For FY 2020, commissioners approved a budget, which had increased $323 million over FY 2029’s budget, in order to fund personnel and equipment needs for the expanded and renovation of the Hays County Jail and the new Public Safety Building.

The Hays County Commissioners will convene for their regular meeting at 9 AM at the Hays County Courthouse.

Residents can sign up for public comments at the Hays County Clerk’s office. 

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One Comment

  1. Buh but, Ruben …don’t you understand ? […sounds of whimpering].


    What part of stupid don’t you understand ? The financial depression hasn’t even arrrived yet ! Don’t miss this window !

    In other words, visualize Krispy Kreme deals on steroids.

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