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Crockett Receives Donation from NU Chapter DKG Society International

On Friday morning, August 19, several members of the NU Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma (DKG) Society International met with Crockett Elementary teachers and administrators to present a donation of $1,300 to the school to purchase books to be given away to students during the Scholastic Book Fair scheduled for later this fall.  Crockett Assistant Principal Dolores Cruz is a member of the NU chapter.


According to Chapter Vice President Loretta Eiben, members of the NU Chapter plan to return to the school to read to the students in the library or their classrooms.


NU Chapter president Sandra Morales said that the money was received through an Alpha State Education Foundation (ASTEF) grant, which is part of DKG International’s support for education.


Delta Kappa Gamma promotes professional and personal growth of female educators and excellence in education. Organized in 1929, the founders believed that an organization of women educators could unite by common purposes to render service to education.


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