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Crockett Students Excited about Think Through Math Program

Written by: Mina Koonz and Chase Martinez, Crockett 5th grade bilingual math/science students

The first class in the SMCISD to win the Think Through Math challenge has been won by Ms. Rosa Aponte’s homeroom at Crockett Elementary. At the beginning of the year, the overall percentage of passed lessons on TTM was 20%, but due to the challenge, the current percentage of passed lessons is 85%. Once 75% of the class was passing lessons, we were eligible to enter into the challenge.

The challenge was for the students to pass lessons and donate to the challenge. The class had to reach 500,000 points in order to obtain a $50 pizza party from Pizza Hut. It took the class seven months to reach the 500,000 point goal.

We have interviewed four students from our class to see how Think Through Mathhas changed them and their grades.

  • Our good friend Elizabeth Taylor-Atkins quotes, “TTM has helped me with scattered plots and division. It has also helped motivate me to help me with all math, a lot!”
  • Malakai Ramos says, “I have learned a lot and my grades have had an extreme improvement. The contest has motivated me so that I try harder in math”.
  • Our classmate Bethani Sosa said, ” While in Think Through Math I have learned fractions, I set a goal and that goal has gotten most of my math scores up a lot because it has made me work harder also helped me pass a lot more tests than I previously had!”
  • Major Pellien tells us, “TTM has helped me with multiplying and dividing fractions, identifying ratios, and multiplying whole numbers. While reaching the goal we’ve previously reached, I have passed a lot more lessons because I was trying to reach the goal.”

Also we have three kids in our class that have finished 5th grade math; the kids names are Chase Martinez, Major Pellien, and Alex Sanchez.

The whole class participated in this challenge and has worked extremely hard to win it! This challenge has brought the entire class together in teamwork. As soon as our class donated the last few thousand points we were so excited because we had been working on this since October. That happened on Thursday April 21st, at7:45 that morning. Now we are trying to get another 500,000 points to get our teacher a printer for her room. Our class knows we can accomplish this new challenge.


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