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CTMC 5th Annual Kids Art Contest Winners Announced

Last week, Central Texas Medical Center announced the winners of the 5th Annual Kids Art Contest with a reception held at the hospital.

Last week, Central Texas Medical Center announced the winners of the 5th Annual Kids Art Contest with a reception held at the hospital. All winners’ artwork is featured in the 2019 CREATION Health calendar.

April (5)
Johnpaul (7)
Prachi (7)
Deacon (9)
Ezra (11)
Khatin (11)
Jess (15
Mary (13
Simon (14
Audrey (16)
Jada (16)
Luis (17)
April (5)
Araceli (7)
Asher (4)
Benjamin (7)
Hazel (7)
Kelsey (6)
River (5)
Suah (5)
Trevor (7)
Alana (10)
Anabel (11)
Autumn (8)
Avery (10)
Faith (11)
Geneva (11)
Grant (10)
Lucy (10)
Troy (11)
Gilbert (13)
Grace (13)
Hannah (13)
Jennifer (12)
Jennifer (14)
Karen (15)
McKerma (15)
Nora (15)
Sasha (13)
Eliana (17)
Erika (17)
Isabella (17)
Jonathan (16)
Luis (16)
Madelyn (16)
Morgan (16)
Rachel (17)
Shaye (16)
Johnpaul (7)
Laelah (7)
Victoria (7)
Emily (11)
Sofia (11)
Yesenia (11)
Allison (15)
Quincy (14)
Tess (15)
Aubrey (16)
Grace (17)
Maylie (16)
Group 1 winners with CTMC President/CEO Anthony Stahl: April (5), Araceli (7), Asher (4), Benjamin (7), Hazel (7), Johnpaul (7), Kelsey (6), Laelah (7), Prachi (7), River (5), Trevor (7), Victoria (7)


Group 2 winners with CTMC Vice President/CFO Parker Pridgen, Vice President/CNO Elsie Graves and President/CEO Anthony Stahl: Alana (10), Anabel (11), Autumn (8), Avery (10), Deacon (9), Emily (11), Ezra (11), Faith (11), Geneva (11), Grant (10), Khatin (11), Lucy (10), Sofia (11)


Group 3 winners with CTMC Vice President/CFO Parker Pridgen, Vice President/CNO Elsie Graves and President/CEO Anthony Stahl: Gilbert (13), Hannah (13), Jennifer (12), Jennifer (14), Karen (15), Mary (13), Nora (15), Quincy (14), Sasha (13)


Group 4 winners with CTMC Vice President/CFO Parker Pridgen, Vice President/CNO Elsie Graves and President/CEO Anthony Stahl: Erika (17), Isabella (17)



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