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CTMC’s 8th Annual BabyFest To Include New Fathers Event

Whether you’re a new parent, expecting a baby or considering starting a family, BabyFest is a great way to be prepared for a newborn while networking with specialists and other parents.

SAN MARCOS, TEXAS – Central Texas Medical Center’s 8th annual BabyFest event will take place on Sunday, July 16 from 1 to 4 p.m.

Whether you’re a new parent, expecting a baby or considering starting a family, BabyFest is a great way to be prepared for a newborn while networking with specialists and other parents.

BabyFest will feature tours of the Women’s Center as well as new products, local services, chair massages, activities for children and great door prizes.

More than 35 exhibitors will be present to help new parents get informed and connected.

A new feature this year will be the Dads Boot Camp with a fitness obstacle course for dads and great resources for men who want to maximize their role as a father. Dads can win door prizes like a gas grill or one of several gift cards when they participate.

Avis Harris-Caldwell, director of the CTMC Women’s Center, explains, “We know how important fathers are to the success and happiness of a new baby so we are expanding BabyFest to help our dads get connected and inspired. Join in the fun!”

For additional information about the event, please visit www.ctmc.org, call 512-753-3602 or email kale.romberger@ahss.org.


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