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CTMC’s Robert Hicks Recognized For Nutritional Leadership

“We’re also making sure our physicians and nurses have unique grab-n-go options to keep them thriving. I’m fortunate to have a top-notch team; we’ve worked hard to get here,” Robert shared.

Robert Hicks, Dietary Services Director at Central Texas Medical Center, was recognized by Premier, a leading healthcare improvement company, for his accomplishments and improvements in operations.

This includes: patient satisfaction scores; documented cost savings; activities that support the values and mission of the organization; and professional/community activities and personal achievements in the last year.

“I’m so humbled to win, and proud of what this represents for dietary services here at CTMC. We’re providing nourishment for our patients and visitors every day with innovative recipes, and our registered dietitians continue to educate and promote healthy eating awareness. We’re also making sure our physicians and nurses have unique grab-n-go options to keep them thriving. I’m fortunate to have a top-notch team; we’ve worked hard to get here,” Robert shared.

Robert was recognized on June 20th during Premier’s annual Foodservice Forum held in conjunction with its Breakthroughs Conference and Exhibition, which brought more than 4,000 provider and supplier attendees to Nashville, Tennessee.

“We are thrilled Robert received this well-deserved award,” said CTMC President/CEO Anthony Stahl. “His leadership reflects the excellent quality our nutrition program provides and the terrific experience our patients and our visitors have each day.”

Premier has the industry’s largest foodservice purchasing program, offering savings to providers across the U.S. The program provides aggressive contracts with foodservice manufacturers, industry leading value-added services and educational opportunities.

“We’re honored to recognize Robert for his leadership and accomplishments,” said Debby Kasper, RDN, LDN, SNS Director of Clinical Nutrition and Wellness Program Development, Premier. “He is improving foodservice offerings in his facility, while enhancing the dining experience.”



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