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CTRMA To Begin Procurement Process For $504M Project

Construction is scheduled to begin around the end of 2020 on a $504 million project that will add two toll lanes in each direction to U.S. 183.

These toll lanes will connect with Toll 183A in Cedar Park near Rural-to-Market Road 620 and MoPac. A fourth continuous non-tolled lane also will be added along with three frontage roads in each direction.

The Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority (CTRMA) is overseeing the project and plans to start the procurement process in April for a contractor to complete the design of the project and build it.

Procurement will take about a year to complete and the new lanes are slated to open to traffic in early 2025.

The new toll lanes will operate similar to the MoPac express lanes in that the price of the toll will increase or decrease as traffic and demand increases and decreases. Buses will operate on the lanes for free.

This story originally published by Strategic Partnerships, Inc.

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