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David Vasquez Sentenced To Life For Sexual Assault

David Allen Vasquez, 32, was convicted today for a 2015 sexual assault. As a repeat offender, he was sentenced to life in prison.

David Vasquez was indicted by a Hays County Grand Jury for Sexual Assault in January of 2016. Trial in the case began on Monday and Mr. Vasquez was convicted earlier today.

At trial before 22nd Judicial District Court Judge Bruce Boyer, Mr. Vasquez’s accuser testified that Mr. Vasquez sexually assaulted her in November 2015 while she was slept on a couch after socializing with Mr. Vasquez and some other friends.

She awakened to Mr. Vasquez’s having placed his hand inside her clothes and penetrating her with his fingers. She pushed Mr. Vasquez away and told him to stop.

Mr. Vasquez was convicted on Wednesday by a Hays County Jury consisting of six men and six women. At a punishment hearing before Judge Boyer, the prosecution presented evidence showing that Mr. Vasquez was already a registered sex offender at the time of the offense, having been convicted of sexual assault in 2006 in Williamson County for a very similar crime.

Judge Boyer assessed a mandatory sentence of life in prison pursuant to the repeat sexual offender law.

Hays County Criminal District Attorney Wes Mau recognized the work of Assistant District Attorneys Kathleen Arnold and Erika Price, who handled the trial for the prosecution, and to the victim, her family, and her friends who testified in trial.

Mr. Mau also expressed thanks for the cooperation of the Hays Caldwell County Women’s Shelter and the victim advocates at the Hays County District Attorney’s Office.

“Without the people around sexual assault victims, people who are willing to stand up for and provide the emotional support those victims so desperately need, offenders like Mr. Vasquez can go undetected and unpunished,” said Mau. “It is only together with the victim and her support system that prosecutors and police, such as the investigator with San Marcos Police Department in this case, can bring these cases to trial and stop offenders from continuing their victimizations.”


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