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Deaths over 2021 Spring Break show true consequences of driving drunk

TxDOT’s Drive Sober. No Regrets. campaign urges students to celebrate spring break responsibly

Staff Reports

AUSTIN Stories behind the data show the true consequences of driving drunk over spring break. That’s why TxDOT is using its Drive Sober. No Regrets. campaign to share with college students the real-life experiences of people affected by drunk driving crashes across Texas.

One person in Texas dies every eight hours and 31 minutes in a DUI-alcohol related traffic crash. Last year, 1,029 people in Texas were killed and 2,522 seriously injured because someone chose to get behind the wheel while impaired. Over last year’s spring break, Texas saw 872 DUI-alcohol related traffic crashes. These crashes resulted in 30 fatalities and 107 serious injuries.

In the 11-counties that make up the Austin District, there were 2,080 DUI-alcohol related traffic crashes, with 80 fatalities and 210 serious injuries in 2021. Fortunately, over spring break, there were no fatalities and only three serious injuries.

“These are disturbing numbers, especially as all of these crashes are preventable,” said TxDOT Executive Director Marc Williams. “Whether it’s transit, rideshare companies or a designated sober friend, there are several options for students to find a sober ride. We’re hoping these real-life stories show students that deadly consequences can and do happen every year during spring break.”

Drinking and driving is 100% preventable and can have serious physical, emotional and financial consequences that can last for years. Not only can a DWI hurt or kill someone, devastating the lives of victims and survivors forever, it can be expensive and cause significant legal hassles. It can also make it difficult to find or keep a job and can bring a lifetime of regret.

Throughout March, TxDOT’s Drive Sober. No Regrets. campaign will conduct outreach events at key spring break designations that are popular among college students. These events will include a video exhibit featuring powerful testimonials of Texans who deal with the daily consequences of drunk driving, either as offenders or survivors. These humanizing stories and drunk driving facts can be found at SoberRides.org.

The Drive Sober. No Regrets. campaign is a key component of #EndTheStreakTX, a broader social media and word-of-mouth effort that encourages drivers to make safer choices while behind the wheel such as wearing a seat belt, driving the speed limit, never texting and driving and never driving under the influence of alcohol or other drugs. November 7, 2000, was the last deathless day on Texas roadways. #EndTheStreakTX asks all Texans to commit to driving safely to help end the streak of daily deaths on Texas roadways.

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