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DEBATE VIDEO: League Of Women Voters Hosts Debate For San Marcos City Council Candidates


“government depends upon the informed and active participation of its citizens and requires that governmental bodies protect the citizen’s right to know…” 

On Oct. 9, the League of Women Voters of Hays County hosted a public debate for the upcoming City Council election in San Marcos.

San Marcos City Council Place 3 and Place 4 are up for re-election this election season. Council Members Ed Mihalkanin, Place 3, and Jane Hughson, Place 4, are running for re-election. 

Amy Stanfield, a local business owner is running against current Council Member Mihalkanin. Stanfield. Council Member Hughson’s opponent is Joshua Simpson, a local entrepreneur and Texas State University graduate. The debate was moderated by Kaylene Ray.

The League believes in the representative form of government and individual liberties established in the Constitution of the United States. 

A guiding principle of the League is that “government depends upon the informed and active participation of its citizens and requires that governmental bodies protect the citizen’s right to know by giving adequate notice of proposed actions, holding open meetings and making public records accessible.”

The LWV prepared questionnaires for the candidates, which will be published in the League’s Voters Guide with the candidates’ responses. Early voting starts on Monday, Oct. 23, and runs through to Nov. 3. Election Day is Tuesday, Nov. 7.

If you missed it, you can still hear the questions posed to the candidates and their responses in the video below.


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