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Diminishing The Jargon: Helping Others

We have found most don’t know or understand specific words or “Jargon”, so to speak, which is used in the financial industry and that can be intimidating to those who are new to financial planning…


By Jeremiah Pizana | Special to Corridor News

We have found most don’t know or understand specific words or “Jargon”, so to speak, which is used in the financial industry and that can be intimidating to those who are new to financial planning.

Even if you aren’t ready to invest your own retirement or pension, we believe the more information you have the better off you are, as everyone should be doing some sort of financially planning for the future.

Therefore, we wanted to share a video that our firm created to help explain some of the “Jargon” used in the industry and if you find it useful, please feel free to share.

We have found most don’t know or understand specific words or “Jargon”, so to speak, which is used in the financial industry and that can be intimidating to those who are new to financial planning.

Diminishing The Jargon: Helping Others



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