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District Seeks Public Members For New Diversity Advisory Council

The new Hays CISD Diversity Advisory Council is forming and seeking members of the public to serve with the group.

In June, Hays CISD Superintendent Dr. Eric Wright announced the creation of the Council.

“Words are important, but it is an action that matters most,” said Dr. Wright. “This group will be a standing committee…representing the different voices from our district. They will advise us on important policy and operational recommendations and decisions from the perspective of equity, social justice, fairness, understanding, and respect. This new council is not the solution. It will not change hundreds of years of history overnight or by itself. And, it won’t have a global or national reach. It is, however, a start – a step our school district can take on this journey – something we can do right now, at home. Public education is the great equalizer that preserves and makes possible a strong democracy. We need to do all we can to ensure there is no place for hate, racism, or discrimination in Hays CISD.”

The council will initially consist of 50 members, including 33 campus and department representatives and ten students selected by their respective campuses and departments, and seven members of the public (one parent each from elementary, middle, and high school; two community members; and two business members).

The Council will support and advise the superintendent on the coordination and development of policies, programs, resources, and methods, which will increase maximum achievement for all students and staff in a multi-cultural, gender-equitable environment that is safe for all stakeholders of the Hays CISD community.

Of particular focus, will be systems and processes in the district that may be unfair or set up barriers for student success.

“Our school district consists of nearly 21,000 students, twice as many parents, and some 3,000 employees. We are a rich tapestry of community with people who come from different life experiences, and who represent all colors, abilities, genders, orientations, and creeds,” said Dr. Wright. “We, like all school districts and communities, are no strangers to past wrongs, but our hearts are pure and we remain steadfast in our desire to continue to bend the arc toward justice.”

Members of the public interested in applying for one of the seats on the community should complete the online application questionnaire by noon on Friday, November 13, 2020, at www.hayscisd.net/DAC

Campus and student members of the committee will select the members from the public from the applications received.

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