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Dripping Springs launches comprehensive plan initiative

DRIPPING SPRINGS, TEXAS – April 18, 2022 – With the rapid growth of the City of Dripping Springs, the City is updating its Comprehensive Plan. Its Comprehensive Plan – Reimagine Dripping Springs Initiative is a visioning process that will establish a guiding framework for development in Dripping Springs.

Through this initiative and the updated Comprehensive Plan, the City hopes to establish priorities for the area’s future land use and major development projects.

It will help guide real estate, infrastructure investments, economic development, and zoning. The Comprehensive Plan will also incorporate the recently adopted Transportation Master Plan and the Parks, Recreation & Open Space Master Plan.

To help with the process, the City has hired DTJ Design, a firm with an extensive background in urban planning. DTJ will work with the City to create a plan that will: 1) provide overall guidance to help direct future land use and resource decisions; 2) address a broad scope of topics, including land use, housing, mobility, public services, recreation, and natural and cultural resources and; 3) provide long-range guidance on how the City’s vision for Dripping Springs can be reached.

City Planning Director Howard Koontz says the process is needed with all the growth, “The City is at a crucial moment in development. This is our opportunity to look at previous and current development while looking to the future of the community when it comes to density, roads, business, and more. Now is the time to reimagine Dripping Springs, keeping the heritage of what makes our city so great, while also having a clear vision of future development and how can we best serve the community in its rapid growth.”

An important part of the Comprehensive Plan is getting input and feedback from citizens and business owners, so the Comprehensive Plan aligns with what is important to the Dripping Springs community.

To help with that, the City has established a Comprehensive Planning Committee to work with DTJ to give them guidance and feedback during the process.

The members of the committee have a wide range of institutional knowledge and background, to provide a diverse and broad array of input and feedback.

Also important is input from all the residents and businesses throughout the City and its ETJ. To that end, the City is officially kicking off the plan at the annual Founders Day Festival.

Residents can meet the team involved, learn more about what the process entails, share feedback, and more. The Planning and Development Team will be there on Saturday, April 23, and Sunday, April 24.

Then throughout the process, which is expected to go through the end of this year into 2023, there will be numerous opportunities for residents and businesses to give added input and help craft the future direction of the City when it comes to future planning and development.

For more information, please contact the Planning Department at planning@cityofdrippingsprings.com or call the City at 512-858-4725.

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