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Dripping Springs Planning & Zoning To Meet Tuesday

Dripping Springs Planning & Zoning to hear CUP requests, re-zoning from AG to commercial and an additional request to rezone from single-family to commercial, moderate density.

The Dripping Spring Planning & Zoning Commission will meet on Tuesday, to discuss several items including variances, CUP’s, zoning changes, zoning requests, rezoning from single-family to commercial, moderate density, from AG to commercial, general retail, sign variance requests.


  • Variance Request to allow cut/fill over 6 feet in specific areas of drive aisle for Lock-Tite Storage
  • Conditional Use Permit Application for Acopon Brewing, Acopon Brewing.
  • Zoning request to enact a Planned Development District (PDD) # 7, commonly known as “Westwood Subdivision,” approximately 680.012 acres, Scenic Land Holdings, LLC.
  • Rezoning one tract at 410 Whisenant Lane (“Cortaro Subdivision”), totaling 34.78 acres from Single-Family Residential, Low­ Density (SF-1) to General  Retail (GR) and Single-Family Residential, Moderate Density (SF-2), Jon Thompson on behalf of AJAC Holdings, LLC
  • rezoning of one tract, A0240 EB Hargraves Survey, Acres 22.10, from Agriculture District (AG) to Commercial Services District (CS), Stan Ford on behalf of J.M. Assets, LP.
  • Rezoning three tracts at 603 W. Hwy 290, totaling approximately 14.72 acres, from Commercial Services (CS) to General Retail (GR), Jon Thompson on behalf of Dosia Mae Rippy Langston Life Estate.
  • Sign Variance Requests for Bunker Ranch Subdivision, located at 2751Highway 290 West, Bradley Jones, ECOLAND Design
  • Update of Master Signage Plan for Belterra Subdivision, located at Highway 290 and Belterra Drive, Applicant Kevin Huston, Ashlar

The commission will also hear updates from Belterra Subdivision, and multiple announcements, including;

Transportation Committee Meeting, Economic Development Committee, Regular Historic Preservation Commission, Regular City Council Meeting, scheduled date for next Planning & Zoning Commission meeting.

Dripping Springs Planning & Zoning Commission Regular Meeting Agenda — Tuesday, June 27, 2017

[gview file=”https://smcorridornews.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/DSPZ-Regular-Meeting-Agenda-6-27-2017-Tuesday.pdf”]


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One Comment

  1. Westwood Subdivision
    Today, when I was biking on Sportsplex past the property next to the Hanks Ballfield, I noticed a sign saying that 608 (I think that was the #) lots would be available for what I suspect to be single family homes. My wife and I walk by the property seven days a week and never noticed the new sign posting.
    My concern relates to a safety issue.
    As we know, the firehouse and EMS are located on Sportsplex as is the Library and especially the D.S. High School. Will the addition of perhaps 1000 more vehicles on Sportsplex create a hazard for First Responders? Or is another exit being planned for the development?
    To compound the issue, Walnut Springs Elementary is currently operating. What will happen when all the construction trucks etc. begin work on the Development? Will Sportsplex be made even worse for wear or will the Developer be paying for upkeep of the road?
    I seldom get involved but the build seems to add traffic and other concerns to an already crowded area.

    PS: We own a garden home at the Retreat, but this development will only have 70 units–NOT 608!
    PPS: How many exits will be available to the residents of the proposed development? Thank you for addressing concerns that will impact many, many DS residents.

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