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Editorial: Hays County Law Enforcement Association Endoresment

The Hays County Law Enforcement Association (HCLEA) has voted unanimously to endorse Propositions 1 and 2. Both these are on the ballot November


HCLEA exists to represent the Law Enforcement and Correction officers of the Hays County Sheriff’s Office; as well as the Deputy Constables of Hays County.


Our men and women on a daily basis provide for the safety of the residents and visitors in Hays County.


We feel that the quality of service we can provide in Hays County is directly linked to the quality of our facilities and infrastructure.


As our county population continues to grow, so does the need to improve and expand public safety services.


This tremendous growth has led to the increasing need for safety improvements on our roadways and changes to how our First Responders provide services, and handle major emergencies, even flooding events.


We are deeply concerned with the state of our current facilities due to age, over population of inmates and high call volumes to our communication center; therefore, we have encouraged our county leaders to provide for improvements to the county jail and creation of a new 911 Communications and Emergency Operations Center (EOC).


With the explosion of growth the county has seen over the years and will continue to see, our roads are becoming more congested and hazardous to travel.


Our law enforcement officers are seeing this daily while patrolling their districts and responding to emergencies.


The needs of Hays County citizens will be greatly enhanced by the improvements in the proposed bond election and the passage of these bonds will address the current and future needs of our growing community.


As fellow taxpayers, we want to be assured that our tax dollars are used responsibly. This is an important and essential use of our resources and we urge all citizens to come together in support of these measures on November


Vote YES to Proposition 1 and 2!


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