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Federal government eyes Gulf for potential offshore wind energy sites

Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) officials are evaluating several Gulf of Mexico sites as the agency acts on the Biden Administration’s call for 30 gigawatts (GW) more of offshore wind energy by 2030.

BOEM is working on refining its process for identifying additional wind energy areas that may be suitable for offshore wind energy leasing.

Additionally, it is developing goals, objectives, and guidelines that can be shared with government agencies, tribes, industry, ocean users, and others prior to identifying such areas.

The agency is reviewing nine construction and operations plans (COPs) with a goal of completing the review of at least another six by 2025, for a total of at least 16 COP reviews representing more than 19 GW of clean energy.

In addition to Gulf of Mexico locations, other proposed offshore wind energy sites include the Gulf of Maine, New York Bight, and Central Atlantic as well as the Carolinas, California, and Oregon.

This story originally published by Strategic Partnerships.

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