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First Lady Cecilia Abbott Welcomes Buda And Linden As Newest Texas Main Street Communities

The Texas Historical Commission’s Texas Main Street Program is a revitalization program for historic downtown and neighborhood commercial districts.First Lady Cecilia Abbott visited Buda and Linden today for the Texas Historical Commission Texas Main Street Program’s 2017 First Lady’s Tour.

The annual event welcomed the two Texas towns as the Texas Main Street Program’s newest members. Since 1981, every Texas First Lady has participated in the tour honoring new communities designated as official Texas Main Street cities.

“It was my pleasure to continue this grand tradition and celebrate Buda and Linden as the 2017 Texas Main Street communities,” the First Lady said. “Main Street communities represent the best of what our state has to offer through their commitment to a historic, yet vibrant, downtown. I congratulate you on your work to make your communities shine even brighter through historic preservation and economic development.”

During both visits, Mrs. Abbott was joined by state and local officials, local business owners and volunteers, and dozens of local residents eager to see the Main Street vision for their respective towns.

The First Lady addressed event attendees and unveiled architectural renderings of the Main Street plans for each of the town’s downtown areas, then attended a public reception.

The Texas Historical Commission’s Texas Main Street Program is a revitalization program for historic downtown and neighborhood commercial districts. Today, there are 89 official Texas Main Street programs.

The programs are in communities of all sizes, ranging from less than 2,000 to more than 300,000 in population, and in all areas of Texas.

Over time, Texas Main Street communities have created more than $3.4 billion in economic reinvestment, and 35,490 local jobs and almost 9,000 small businesses in their Main Street districts.

These reinvestments show that significant economic development impact can be realized through historic preservation. For more information on the Texas Main Street Program, visit http://www.thc.state.tx.us.


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