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Flooding emergency rooms, calling 911: Texans are going to great lengths to find COVID-19 tests

Health officials are asking people to stop visiting hospitals for testing and avoid adding an additional strain on the state’s health care system.

By Sneha Dey

7-day average of new COVID-19 test results

As of Jan. 5, Texas has administered 51.9 million tests for the coronavirus. We do not know the number of Texans who have gotten a test because some people are tested more than once. The state’s tally also does not include pending tests. The average number of tests reported over the past seven days shows how the situation has changed over time by de-emphasizing daily swings.

Source: Texas Department of State Health Services
Credit: The Texas Tribune

Hospitalized COVID-19 patients in Texas

On April 6, 2020, the state started reporting the number of patients with positive tests who are hospitalized.

Note: From July 23 to July 28, 2020, between 9% and 18% of hospitals reported incomplete hospitalization numbers due to changes in reporting to meet federal requirements.
Source: Texas Department of State Health Services
Credit: The Texas Tribune

Testing resources

This story originally published by the Texas Tribune.

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