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For Texas hospitals, a new COVID-19 surge looms over a burned-out, depleted workforce

Some hospitals are better prepared than they were early in the pandemic, but administrators say staff morale still stands on shaky ground.

By Allyson Waller

On April 6, 2020, the state started reporting the number of patients with positive tests who are hospitalized.

Note: From July 23 to July 28, 2020, between 9% and 18% of hospitals reported incomplete hospitalization numbers due to changes in reporting to meet federal requirements.
Source: Texas Department of State Health Services
Credit: The Texas Tribune

The percentage of hospital beds in use across the state shows how the virus is currently impacting hospitals.

Credit: The Texas Tribune

On April 9, 2020, the state started reporting the number of adult intensive care unit, or ICU, beds available in Texas hospitals. These specialized beds cater to patients with the most life-threatening conditions and include equipment such as ventilators and heart rate monitors. ICU units also have staff who are trained to care for the critically ill.

Source: Texas Department of State Health Services
Credit: The Texas Tribune

The percentage of hospital beds being used by COVID-19 patients in each trauma service region shows how the virus is currently impacting hospitals in different parts of the state.

Source: Texas Department of State Health Services
Credit: The Texas Tribune

“This has just been very taxing, and I think the staffing in the hospitals is going to continue to be challenging as new roles pop up that are outside the four walls of the hospitals,” Batcheller said. “They’re going to be more appealing than constantly taking care of COVID patients and potentially also putting themselves at risk. So we’re not going to be done with (the) shortages that we’ve seen for quite a while.”

This story originally published by the Texas Tribune.

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