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Former San Marcos Mayor Running For Congress District 21

“As a former mayor of one of America’s fastest growing cities, I have first-hand experience with reducing taxes, balancing budgets and collaborating with people of different views and political positions to bring us all together…”

On November 10, former San Marcos Mayor Susan Narvaiz announced she would be running for Congress to represent Texas’s 21st congressional district.

Congressman Lamar Smith (R-San Antonio) announced his retirement from congress on Nov. 2. Smith still has a year left of his congressional term.

Narvaiz served three terms as mayor in San Marcos. In 2014 and 2016, Narvaiz ran for congress against Democrat, Lloyd Doggett for his 35th District congressional seat and lost.

In this election, Narvaiz will run against three other republican candidates, Autry Pruitt and Eric Burkhart, for the seat. Last Friday, Nov. 9, Rep. Jason Isaac (R-Dripping Springs) announced his candidacy for the seat as well.

Below is the official leader or release Narvaiz published on her campaign website.

Dear Family, Friends and Supporters,

Over the last week I have received countless phone calls and messages urging me to consider running for Congress to represent Texas’ 21st District. After several days of prayer, consultation with family and friends, and the encouragement from you, I am stepping forward to announce my candidacy to represent the people of Texas and District 21.

As the former Mayor of San Marcos and a lifelong servant to my community, I know that now is the time for new leadership in Washington. Having had the opportunity to meet with many Texans in District 21, I am confident that I am the woman for the job.

Our country is at a crossroads and now more than ever, we need strong leaders who are not afraid to fight for conservative values. Through my experience as mayor of one of America’s fastest growing cities, I have balanced budgets and held the line on taxes. As a small business owner, I’ve helped people find good paying jobs. I will bring my common sense conservatism to Washington.

Having lived and served in central Texas for many years, I know firsthand the challenges that our families and our communities face. I have and will continue to meet them head on. With your vote and as your next congresswoman I pledge to listen, act in the best interest of the people, and fight for our shared values.

It is my hope that I will earn your support and can count on your help in the March 6th Republican Primary.


Susan Narvaiz


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