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Franchise Tax – Annual Tax Reports Due May 15

Annual franchise tax reports are due May 15. Beat the rush to file your franchise tax report or request an extension of time to file – WebFile is available now!
WebFile makes it easy to request extensions, submit tax reports, make payments, file final reports or request tax clearance letters. Your WebFile account allows you to view a summary of your transactions. You can find your franchise tax WebFile number (which starts with ‘XT’) on the franchise tax upcoming due date reminder letter we mailed in February.
You can also call 1-800-442-3453 at any time to get your XT number via an automated system. When you call, be sure to have your 11-digit taxpayer number and identifying information, such as total revenue from a previous report or the amount of the last tax payment you made (cannot be zero).
The following video tutorials will help you with filing Franchise Tax

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