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From Intern To Employee With San Marcos Electric Utilities

“We have been impressed by the professionalism displayed by the students from the Gary Job Corps Center and partnered with Adam Cantu, Linesman Instructor, in getting students to intern with SMEU,” said Thomas Medrano, foreman with SMEU.

Matthew Almendarez, Gary Job Corps Overhead Linesman Graduate, upon completing studies at the Gary Center interned with the San Marcos Electric Utilities and secured employment. 

“ We have been impressed by the professionalism displayed by the students from the Gary Job Corps Center and partnered with Adam Cantu, Linesman Instructor, in getting students to intern with SMEU,”  Thomas Medrano, foreman with San Marcos Electric Utilities, stated. “We offered a position to Matthew Almendarez upon his completion of his internship giving us a qualified employee. I look forward to our partnership with Gary Job Corps; with the growth of San Marcos, the need for trained members is always a need with the expanding network of power distribution.”

 Adam Cantu shared, “We are very proud of our graduates and currently we have students working with PEC, LCRA and numerous companies throughout Texas and United States,  we train students that transfer from Job Corps Center throughout the US.” 

Pictured are left to right, Thomas Medrano, SMEU, Susanne Ritter, CTR Supervisor Gary Job Corps, Matthew Almendarez, OHL Graduate, and Adam Cantu, Instructor.  Job Corps works for Employers, Communities, and Tax-Payers.


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