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Gary Job Corps Alumni Remembers

photos courtesy of Randolph Goodman

Gary Job Corps Welding Graduate of 1975,

Emilio “Milo” Olveda, with Lonnie Hall, Center Director,

While visiting the Gary Center after a 41 years absence, Mr. Olveda shared his thanks for what he learned at Gary Job Corps.  Milo went through the welding program and according to him “my future had no promise, I was born in Mexico and at 5 years old I came to the United States where we lived in Crystal City.”  After discovering Gary Job Corps, Olveda said “I learned how to be a welder and went to work at the shipyard in Galveston in 1975 where I worked for 10 years.”

Milo was impressed by the technology and shared with the welding students that he is making a good living as a welder.  He stated that after Galveston “The worked slowed down and I went into metal fabrication and the pipe lines.  Gary Job Corps gave the knowledge that I use today.”

Pictured are Welding Students;

Cody Baker, Jordan Bamgert, Samuel Garcia, Kwamon Hudson, Jamarcus Jackson, Jarrell James, Justice Keaton, Marco Lopez, Hunter Murphy, James Parish, McKeon Ressler, Aronisha Roberts, Jennifer Terrazas, Jacob Welch, Welding Instructor;  Grace Hernandez, and Milo

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One Comment

  1. Hello, my name was sheena carroll in 1984 when i went to Gary Job Corps. I met Forrest Wayne Powers there and we became girlfriend and boyfriend there, then got engaged. I went home and he graduated and we got out of touch.
    Long story short we recently found each other on line and got married after 35 years.

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