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Gary Job Corps Attends NAHRO Conference San Marcos

Established in 1976, Texas NAHRO is a long-standing advocate of affordable housing.

Gary Job Corps students and staff, for the second year, assisted the Texas Chapter of the National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials Conference held at the San Marcos Conference Center.

Established in 1976, Texas NAHRO is a long-standing advocate of affordable housing.

Their membership is made up of housing authorities that are committed to the development of the community and the welfare of human-kind.

Their mission statement is to promote quality affordable housing and sustainable communities in Texas though advocacy, education, and empowerment.

Pictured are Gary students that assisted with the registration of conference participants, Ronnie Johnson, Kayla Mosley, Hector Romero, Kierra Morgan, and Volunteer Coordinator Irma Pardo.

Featured Image: Pictured in featured image are the Gary Job Corps Center’s Color Guard: Hannah Root, Josiah Hernandez, Daniel Havana, Makenna Netting, Captain Preston Smith; community member Pastor Sam Montoya; and from the San Marcos Housing Authority: Albert Sierra, Gloria Salazar, San Marcos City Councilmember Jane Hughson, NAHRO members Mark Thiele, and Annie Botsford.


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