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Gary Job Corps Celebrates “Day Of Remembrance”

Gary Job Corps staff, Corrections/Security students and staff celebrate the “Day of Remembrance” by posting the Colors, Pledge of Allegiance, and National Anthem.  Deputy Center Director Nathalene Matthews addressed the assembly thanking the guest and center staff for their commitment to the Observance. 


This is the 2nd Anniversary of “Day of Remembrance” observance held on the Gary Job Corps Center. 


Pictured are community supporters, Ruben Becerra, Joshua Garrett, Ed Theriot, SSG Velasquez (US Army), Gary staff, Nathalene Matthews, Irma Pardo, Susanne Ritter, Arquetta “G” Gentry, Corrections/Security Instructors, Evelyn Hernandez, Michelle Meier, Troy Oldbury, Preston Smith, Sean Schultz, Eugene Edokpa, Lauren Stevens, Corrections/Security Cadets, and Overhead Linesman students. 


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