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Gary Job Corps Community Relations Council Donates To The Martindale Library

Gary Job Corps Community Relations Council Donates To The Martindale Library

Travis Elementary PTO and members of the Gary Community Relations Council (CRC) donated $200 and approximately 200 lbs. of books to the Martindale Library recently.

After finding that the local Martindale Library had lost its funding and is relying  on the generous donations and volunteers from the community, the CRC made it their mission to help out their neighbor.

The contributions from the Gary Job Corps CRC is now totaling $437 and over 1200 lbs. of books. For more information about donating to the Martindale Library please call 512-357-4492 or come visit the library downtown.

The Gary Community Relations Council has been active with numerous local volunteer projects in the area such as: celebrating Valentine’s, Mother’s and Father’s Day at local nursing homes with cards and cookies, donations to the San Marcos Animal Shelter, donations to the San Marcos Youth Shelter and Hays Caldwell County Women’s Center, volunteering and donations to the Hays County Food Bank, sponsoring educator and law enforcement  appreciation luncheons, and doing highway cleanups.

Pictured are from the Martindale Library: Carol Devine and Jane Latham; from Gary Job Corps: Irma Pardo, Rachel Garnes, Brandon Adams, Demariae Ivory; Martindale Police Chief Harry Juergen, and CRC member and Travis Elementary representative, Diana Tagle-Guerrero.


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