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Gary Job Corps Graduation 2017

Gary Job Corps celebrated the first student Graduation Ceremony of 2017 by having Hays County Commissioner Will Conley as the featured speaker.


Gary Job Corps celebrated the first student Graduation Ceremony of 2017 by having Hays County Commissioner Will Conley as the featured speaker.

Commissioner Conley shared with the graduates, friends, family, and staff the responsibilities of leadership, to be constantly setting goals, and Amanda McPherson from the Office of Congressman Lamar Smith read a Proclamation from the Congressman congratulating the students upon their graduation.

Gary Job Corps is a federally funded vocational and academic program through the Department of Labor by Management & Training Corporation.

Over 1400 students are trained at the 800 acre campus in 25 vocational offerings in Health, Support, Construction, or Manufacturing trades.

Graduates go into the Workforce, Military or Continuing Education.

Find out more about Gary Job Corps http://gary.jobcorps.gov.


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