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Gary Job Corps On-Line ASVAB Testing













Gary Job Corps is the first Job Corps in Texas to utilize the On-line testing of the ASVB (Armed Services Vocational Battery) entrance examination, and they are only one of the four centers in Texas of the 125 in the country, Carrasco Job Corps, El Paso, North Texas Job Corps, McKinney, Laredo Job Corps, Laredo, and Gary in San Marcos. 


Sonja Lucas, METS, ASVAB Coordinator stated that “we are excited that the Gary Job Corps Center is utilizing the On-line ASVAB testing program and possibly have the other centers in Texas to explore the testing option.  Gary Job Corps has always been very supportive to military services in their recruiting efforts. We are finding that students are more receptive to a computer based test and feel that more students would be testing, currently approximately 50 students a month test at the Gary Center.”


Pictured are from the MET-Site in San Antonio; Test Control Supervisor Charlie Skipper, Educational Services Specialist Maggie Silva, Army Recruiter Staff Sergeant Bryceton Adams, from Gary Job Corps ASVAB Coordinator Jo Gayle Wright, and students on-line testing.

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