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Gary Job Corps Y2Y At Fish Fry For Constable Peterson

Gary students gave out Gary Bracelets and pledge cards supporting the anti-violence and bullying programs for the community. Hundreds attended Constable Peterson’s fundraising fish fry.


Founded in the spring of 2015, Y2Y is a violence-prevention initiative created by and led by Job Corps students nationwide. This initiative is the first national, student-created, and student-led effort to curb youth violence on Job Corps centers, in their surrounding communities, and in the hometowns of students and graduates.


Each year the International Day of Peace is observed around the world on September 21st. The United Nations General Assembly has declared this as a day devoted to strengthening the ideals of peace, both within and among all nations and peoples.


Please join us in opposing violence, aggression, and bullying, and support our efforts by attending the International Day of Peace March.


The march will start at 9:00am on Wednesday September 21st at the Hays County House. Pictured are from Gary Job Corps, Deputy Center Director Nathalene Matthews, HOPE Coordinator Irma Pardo, Students Lex Garro-Pritchett, and Brandon Reid, Constable David Peterson, Edna Peterson, and Caddo Sanders.

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