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Good Samaritan Camp At Jacob’s Well Elementary School Offers Fun And Enrichment

The mission of Good Samaritan Community Services is to serve as a catalyst for change, supporting youth, individuals and families by providing excellent community services to  overcome economic poverty…

More than 100 students in 1st through 5th grade are filling their summer with fun and enrichment at Camp Good Sam, a six-week camp hosted at Wimberley ISD campus, Jacob’s Well Elementary School.

The mission of Good Samaritan Community Services is to serve as a catalyst for change, supporting youth, individuals and families by providing excellent community services to overcome economic poverty. The camp began June 11 and runs Monday through Thursday until July 19.

“Campers will be engaged in hands on activities that encourage character development and develop life and leadership skills. We work with many different partners around the area to deliver fun while also sneaking in quite a bit of education this summer,” said Alicia Finn, Wimberley Camp Good Sam Director.

Every summer, the camp is based on a book series and this year the theme is Fablehaven by Brandon Mull. The camp curriculum brings to life the mythical creatures in this New York Times’ best-selling children’s literature fantasy series.

To engage the campers, the book’s theme is creatively woven into lesson plans ranging from math to language arts and even robotics. Campers also enjoy field trips including a trip to the Austin Zoo, Blanco State Park, Pioneer Town, the Wimberley Village Library, Mount Baldy and The Emily Ann Theatre.

Additionally, the campers will take a tour of the University of Texas at Austin campus and even virtual tours of other colleges and universities throughout the summer to encourage them to start thinking about higher education.

Finn and her team also begin educating the students on future careers with some great assistance from the community. Amy Reid, archaeologist, lecturer and curator for the center for archaeological studies at Texas State University, will share the exciting facets about a career in archaeology with the campers.

Chrissy Fischer, a Registered Dental Hygienist with Robert D. White, DDS, will also speak to the campers about the importance of good dental hygiene. Other partners in the endeavor include the Wimberley Lions Club and Crisis Bread Basket.

“We are very grateful for our partners, as they truly enrich the experience for our campers and our staff. They help us achieve our goal of providing a fun and exciting summer while engaging the campers’ minds, expanding their imaginations and providing pathways for successful futures,” said Finn.

For more information or to volunteer with Camp Good Sam visit their website: http://www.goodsamaritancommunityservices.org/programs/youth-development/wimberley


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