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Gov. Abbott Announces Alliance To Support Military Members & Their Families

“This new program will provide the services and resources our veterans and their families deserve to complete a successful transition to civilian life,” said Governor Abbott.

Governor Greg Abbott today announced the Texas Transition Alliance aimed at expanding employment and training opportunities for military service members and their families.

The new program is a partnership among Operation Welcome Home, the Governor’s Tri-Agency Workforce Initiative in which he charged the Texas Workforce Commission, Texas Education Agency and the Higher Education Coordinating Board to identify gaps in employment and education services – including those for veterans, and a number of veteran and employment-specific organizations.

The program is designed to assist veterans and their families in the transition from active duty to civilian life.

“This new program will provide the services and resources our veterans and their families deserve to complete a successful transition to civilian life,” said Governor Abbott. “In order for Texas to compete in a 21st-century economy, it is imperative we make investments in our workforce, and I can think of no better investment than our military service members. I thank the Tri-Agency Workforce Initiative for their work in developing this important program and look forward to building on its success in the coming years.”

Led by the Texas Workforce Commissioner Ruth R. Hughs, partners from state, local, and military entities met in Killeen, TX on Tuesday, April 11th, to review and enhance opportunities for military members who have expressed their intent to reside in Texas upon separation.

The partners will coordinate to help streamline services to meet the needs of service members as they transition out of Texas military installations.

Today’s announcement highlights the State of Texas’ commitment to partner with U.S. Military Installations in Texas to improve the state’s ability to offer employment, education, and outreach services on location during a service member’s 180-day transition period. The Alliance will develop and support events for military members transitioning from service to connect them with education and employment resources in Texas communities at the earliest stage of departure from service.

The Alliance will develop and support events for military members transitioning from service to connect them with education and employment resources in Texas communities at the earliest stage of departure from service.

“The Texas Transition Alliance will work with partners and Texas employers to ensure they are provided with the skilled workforce needed to fill high-demand occupations,” said TWC Commissioner Representing Employers Ruth R. Hughs.  “We know that veterans are hardworking and motivated team members that will bolster any employer’s business, and we want to inform them of the many opportunities available to them so they can have a successful transition into civilian life.”

For more information about Operation Welcome Home and the Transition Alliance, visit www.texasworkforce.org/jobseekers/operation-welcome-home.


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